Budgets for different options

Hi all, I’m wondering if anyone has experience of being provided with different budgets depending on the option they choose?

Hiring a PA will be less costly per hour so someones budget would allow more hours of support using Option 1 (Direct Payment) However, if they didn’t want to be a PA Employer should they be able to access a larger budget to provide the same support using a care provider who will have a higher hourly charge?

hi Amanda, in the local authority I work in and ones I’ve worked in, in the past, it’s common for an Option 1 DP to be budgeted at the (cheaper) PA rate or the agency rate. For people receiving the PA rate who then want to, wholly or in part, switch to using a provider have had to go back to the local authority to have the rate changed which can be a time-consuming process.

Thanks Iain, good to know that people are able to ask for budget to be increased if they wish to use an agency. I’m wondering if people are told whether their budget has been calculated on PA rate or agency rate so this is something to ask. Thank you!

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Hi @Amanda, we have a different rate in Perth and Kinross for Option 1 if you are paying a PA vs using an agency (the agency rate is higher obvs). This presumably means the overall budget would be greater if you are using an agency. We also have different urban and rural rates if you are using an agency.

Thanks Justin, this is helpful and makes sense to offer a true choice. It’s something I need to ask about in our local area.

I had no issue changing from PA to agency when needed, until there was a change of worker. There was no stipulation in the plan that the support hours I am entitled to were for a PA only but when our PA left, we had no support for months and no success in recruiting a replacement. I then had issues getting approval from a new worker, for an agency to provide the same support, with an expectation that the hours of support from the agency, should fit the budget for PA hours. This was not in line with my needs assessment and I argued my case and did get the same hours at agency rate but it took months to be actioned. I would suggest that you request that your plan includes that you have been assessed as being in need of a certain number of hours of support rather than stating that it will be PA support. It is also my understanding that there should be flexibility in budget setting and that it can be changed to accommodate changes to your needs.