Can SDS be used to access day care for a child?

Using a child’s budget for day care is possible and will depend on the child’s circumstances and needs’.

The SDS legislation and Statutory Guidance is very clear about how a direct payment (for example), could be used and states:

‘The authority should ensure that the relevant local guidance or procedures work to assist the person to use the available financial resource in a variety of ways. In other words, to use it in any way provided that it will secure the provision of support agreed with the professional and provided that it meets the outcomes contained in the support plan’ (p.44 Statutory SDS Guidance)

The Guidance is also very explicit in that this applies to children as well as adults.

However, whilst the payment of a day service for a child is possible and might be very relevant, this depends on whether the day service meets any eligible needs that the child has. If the day service is something separate from school (so it is not an Education need to be met), then the child’s assessment and Child’s Plan would need to identify the child’s need and to show that a day service would be a relevant way of meeting those needs and their Personal Outcomes.

You can contact your local independent support organisation to learn more. Use our ‘Find Help’ tool to identify support in your area.

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Currently dealing with my sons new one since been so many changes he doesn’t go out now so struggling to find things for his plan? Was getting respite at specific placement but can’t due to his age!! So LA save 10k so need to replace with something?!