Six months on since starting to receive SDS Option 1 direct payment, and having PAs in place, I’ve received a ‘direct payment agreement’ document to sign. It’s quite a lengthy document - so I’ve included a few excerpts below that I take umbrage with! My position is that these statements are not supportive of the statutory guidance and legislation, do not promote choice, freedom and control, etc. Before I go back and refuse to sign - has anyone else had something similar and have experiences to share?
Grateful for your experiences!
“I understand that Midlothian Council has a duty to monitor the standard of service purchased by me and I agree to provide all information and assistance necessary for that purpose, including consenting to the release of information held by third parties.” I’m not sure I should need to agree to a blanket release of all information from any third party, tell me what you’d like first!
“The support provided and use of budget must comply with any stipulations related to the use of budget and must meet the agreed needs and outcomes in the supported persons support plan and direct payment agreement. This may include anything else as agreed by the social worker which meets the supported persons identified outcomes and support needs and as identified in their assessment.” The guidance is quite clear the DP can be used in any way to meet the agreed needs (so far as it is legal etc) - should not need to be specified in the assessment; as long as the outcome is agreed
“PAYE, National Insurance and other Payroll records must be retained alongside timesheets or rotas indicating the days and times carers have worked. These must be made available as required for financial and monitoring purposes.” Seems extreme - financial audit documents are fine, but the timesheet and rotas seem excessive
“All PAs must undertake training appropriate to the tasks they are required to carry out. Costs for such training will be covered by the direct payment where identified in the support plan or authorised by the council.” Again, not very self-directed if I have to ask permission
“The direct payment allows for the statutory minimum entitlement of annual leave. Enhanced rates are paid for four public holidays. It is expected where feasible for PAs to take their holidays at the same time as the employer.” Is it for the council to specify the specific employment terms of the PA? I would argue not.
“Authorisation is required from the council for any periods of special leave over one week.” As above.
“If the supportive person has a planned admission to hospital, they will be expected to agree arrangements with their PAs to take annual leave during this period.” As above.