Is anyone aware of an Easy Read version of the SDS Option 1 contract? And willing to share as a nudge, template for another local authority? (Asked on Twitter)
SDSS response: Responsibility for the production of an easy read option one contract lies with the local authority carrying out the needs assessment/eligibility assessment. The Self-directed Support Statutory Guidance highlights that social work practice during assessment of need and provision of support/services must be underpinned by a human rights approach. Section 4.9 explains the key principals which include participation, whereby a person’s communicational access needs must be met.
The new Self-directed Support practice standards introduced by Social work Scotland (3 & 9), also outline that provision of support/services must be person-centred and transparent in relation to demonstrating that people have been able to understand the 4 SDS options. We hope that this information is helpful and please don’t hesitate to contact us for any further assistance.
Local authorities all have their own one I think. Have you asked your local authority? In any case, the Direct Payment Agreement (if that’s what you are referring to) isn’t a contract in the ordinary sense of ‘contract’ as far as I am aware. The relationship between direct payment user and the LA is defined in legislation, not agreed by contract. It’s unclear to me what role these DP agreements have, and if they are enforceable.