The Health and Sport Committee had recently published it’s report on social care in Scotland. There are some interesting conclusions and recommendations with a section on Self Directed Support (p.11). Key points made are:
‘Evidence has also told us that problems exist with implementation and inertia within local systems, which results in unnecessary delays, bureaucracy and confusion’
‘There is an over-focus on the system itself, rather than well-being outcomes and care planning for individuals. This is at direct odds with the person-centred approach intended to be at the heart of SDS’
‘Put simply, evidence suggests care and support organisations place responsibility for the lack of full involvement of individuals in SDS options with commissioners and procurers, local authorities and health and social care partnerships. We do not understand why this is not being addressed’
‘On the issue of commissioning and procurement, we have learned that price is the main driver. We have heard loud and clear that the current system is leading to risk aversion and the stifling of innovation. Local authorities are in fact the key decisionmakers about provision of care, rather than individuals themselves. This is also in direct contrast to the principles of SDS and further contributes to its ineffective implementation’
You can see a copy of the report here: