£500 Government Incentive


Does anyone have any information on the £500 that was promised to all social care staff. Personal Assistants didn’t receive anything and there was supposed to be an alternative arrangement made for them but I haven’t heard what that is or when it will be paid?


The last I’ve read is that money will make it’s way to councils by the end of March, and then in turn find it’s way to service users through the Direct Payment to be paid through the payroll as soon as possible after that. There hasn’t been any guidance about how much PAs will be due pro-rata based on their normal or contracted hours either, but hopefully this will come out at the same time.

@michaelpillans might have something on this, any update?


By the way, welcome to the forum! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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I’m so glad someone has asked this… I asked for clarification from social work this week and also SDS aberdeen and was told I don’t need to do anything at present

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Welcome @HelenR, make sure you “like” the post to help support the topic in the forum and ensure you are informed of responses!

Thanks. I hope this is the case. Throughout this pandemic personal assistants have been the last thought on anybody’s mind, I understand all local authority staff have already received payment in February.

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SDSS have a meeting with Scot Gov this week for an update, so I hope to be able to report back soon :smile:


I’m not sure if this is the plan as councils don’t have all the information they need about PAs, but I’ll be able to confirm more next week.


Hi, just wanted to reassure everyone that we’re still working with Scottish Government to finalise the payment process. I appreciate everyone’s patience and I hope to provide more details soon. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hi there. Just wondering if there are any updates I can pass on to my son’s carers regarding their payment?

Many thanks

SDSS is still working with payroll providers and the Scottish Government on this. We hope to provide an update in the next week or so.

The Scottish Government has provided an update on the Personal Assistant ¶ bonus.

It clarifies that staff employed in registered adult social care or children’s residential care services, who have been employed for a minimum of a continuous four week period between 17 March and 30 November 2020, will be eligible for the payment, including those who have since left or retired.

More: Scottish Government bonus for Personal Assistants (PAs) - progress update - Self Directed Support Scotland | Self Directed Support Scotland

Hi, when you say “it clarifies” does this mean previous guidance was wrong? Based on your criteria, this doesn’t cover personal assistants as they will not be classed as working in “registered” services?

I’m just checking with Scottish Government so please bear with me.

All Adult Social Care employees, Personal Assistants, Social Care Staff working in Children’s Residential Services and social workers who have been employed since 17 March 2020 are eligible. This includes:

  • Staff who have worked in Adult Social Care, Children’s Residential Services and as Personal Assistants for adults since 17 March 2020 but who have since left employment including retirees
  • Staff who accepted and worked on temporary contracts in Adult Social Care and Children’s Residential Services since 17 March 2020 to aid the pandemic response but who have since left employment. (We will ensure students who worked under temporary contracts but who have since returned to University are covered)

Please note childcare staff in independent sector are not eligible, only children’s residential staff in the independent sector are included. The Scottish Government feels immense gratitude for the continued work of childcare professionals to support children and families during the pandemic period and for all they do to give Scotland’s children the best possible start in life.

Personal Assistants (PAs) can now apply for their bonus of up to £500 from Scottish Government, as a thank you for their tremendous work during the pandemic.

Find out more and apply here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) - social care workforce £500 payment: guidance for personal assistants - gov.scot

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This is a bit out of date, but I am still baffled why unpaid carers have not been included in the Scittish gov. pay out of £500?
We unpaid carers have done the work without any help. We are the pillars of social care system. Without us the crumbling social care would collapse completely. Why we have not been included???
Social workers on full pay sitting at home behing their computers got pay out too. What for? They were receiving their salaried full pay anyway.