Adult SDS Ayrshire


My mother has always been an unpaid carer for her brother who is head injured and has various health problems and takes a lot of medication. He is a vulnerable adult and although he lives independently he needs a lot of support on a day to day basis and is very dependent on my mum. As she is getting older she is struggling to cope and needs some respite, I had mentioned to her about SDS but she had never heard about it before. She is keen to go ahead with this as she needs to have a plan in place for him for when she isn’t here anymore, she is his legal guardian and takes care of his finances etc as he is unable to. What kind of support would she potentially be entitled to? How do we get the ball rolling? We are in North Ayrshire. many thanks.

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Hi there, we are Ayrshire Independent Living network (AILN) and we are a free independent Self Directed support service covering Ayrshire.
We would be happy to provide you with the support and information you need. If you email me on or call 07771 746604, I can discuss the process with you.
Our website is


Hi @Brookhaven87,

It might be that your mother’s brother needs a package of personal care for himself, if this isn’t already in place, so I would definitely get in touch with Sharon at AILN.

I would also suggest that you/your mother contact the local Carers Centre, if she hasn’t done this before. They should be able to advise on accessing respite, both via the local authority (carers have a right to request an Adult Carer Support Plan and can access SDS in their own right) and via other respite schemes that may be available in your area. They should also be able to discuss planning for the future and what this might look like. This looks like the Carers Centre for North Ayrshire: Carers Centers – Unity Enterprise (

More info here:

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