This forum allows people to connect with peers to discuss issues relating to Self-directed Support while sharing best practice.
Hi there, my son will be attending classes in Glasgow for up to seven weeks during the summer. Does anyone know if I can use my son’s SDS or my Carer’s SDS to pay a taxi to take him there and back? This would further improve his independence from me and give me a little respite from doing it. Many thanks.
I think this is about purity of purpose. There is a regulation:
["6.—(1) A local authority may terminate a direct payment if—
(b)the direct payment has been used (wholly or partly) for some purpose other than to secure the provision of the support to which it relates;"](The Self-directed Support (Direct Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 2014)
It seems that this principle would allow your expenditure. Paying for the taxi is absolutely for the sole purpose of getting to the activity (not for some other purpose), and the activity (I presume) is itself pursuing the agreed outcomes.
If challenged, you could mention this reasoning.
I’m interested in SDSS views on this principle. Does it make sense? Have I interpreted it correctly? @MarkieBoy